Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Spicy Carrot and Shrimp with Cucumber Salad...yummmmmm

Last Night, I made Spicy Carrot and Shrimp with Cucumber Salad. This was sooo yummy! 

A photo posted by D (@runningdizzy) on

Phill made the croutons (soooo good!) using the Rye and Cheddar Bread we bought at the Farmers'  Market last weekend and some spices.  And then I made the rest, which included: carrots, shrimp, avocado, cilantro, cucumber salad, and cayenne pepper.  

Phill and I have made it a goal to cook more, and we've been doing a pretty good job of it!!  I usually enjoying cooking, but there are times life just catches up and we don't have time for it!

Before Dinner last night, Phill and I ran for 10 minutes and then walked home, totalling 2 miles.  I also walked 1.7 miles to/from CalTrain and Bus stops.  My quad and knee issues seemed to be resolved, but I am going to be cautious.

I also performed core work (4 x 10 push ups, 10 minutes of various ab exercises, 20 Superman’s, and a few sets of various other arm exercises) and stretched and rolled. I'm happy to report I was able to do the Pilates Roll Up 10 times with ease.  A few months ago, I couldn't do one without my legs flying up into the air!

Today - I will run another 10 minutes and then perform various leg and core exercises. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like some major progress (with the core work). I hope you enjoy the short run tonight. It sounds like a relaxing jaunt.