Friday, January 17, 2014

Breakfast Burritos are a great start to Fridays

Goal 1 reached!  YAY for tiny, easily attainable goals!  

I did 30 minutes on the spin bike, 2x10 dips, 2x12 on the hamstring weight machine, 5 minutes of abs, 2x15 on this torso weight machine, 3x10 on the row machine, and some miscellaneous work using two 6lb weights. 

I like the spin bikes better than the stationary bikes.  They are less awkward, more free flowing, and I have more control over the resistance.  I am staying away from high resistance because of my foot, so I'm basically just moving my legs.  Right now, I am keeping the RPM between 85 - 95, so that I don't put too much pressure on my foot.  I also cycle with my boot on, so I have to be careful not to let my foot fly off the bike...taking me with it! CRASH! 

I woke up today with little soreness from yesterday's workout.  The dips may have made my arms the tincy-est bit of sore, but I like being a little sore.  It means I'm alive and I've done something for myself. 

I made sure to have a decent breakfast today because I'm swimming at the Community Center later.  I had a delicious, perfectly sized veggie breakfast burrito today.  The cook who made it for me must have known I didn't want a huge burrito this morning - I didn't even have to ask.  Or maybe the Cafe makes everything smaller after the Holidays?  Eh - either way, I'm glad for it. I also had a coffee and a yogurt. 

It's going to be a good day.  

Happy Friday! 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

No Routine = Beer and Brownies and TV

Well, I have a confession to make.  I did not work out at home like I said I would yesterday.  Instead, I made dinner (veggie patti, mixed greens, whole grain bread; mix veggies) for Phill and I, and I had a Boddingtons. Phill went out with a friend later in the evening, so I sat down to watch TV.  I actually had intentions of trying to finish Kafka on the Shore, but instead I watched TV.  I do love my Law and Order SVU.  I also love sweets.  So, I ate the rest of the brownie I got over the weekend.  And...crap...I had a tiny bit of ice cream too. 

So, no routine means that I sit around and I eat too many sweets.  I need to get back to my routine, which means I need to set some goals: 

First goal: Workout after work today - preferably at the gym by my house and not downstairs from the office.  I can't do much down there right now.

Second, slightly large goal: Begin to work out at least every other day.

Good goals for now, since I'm not 100% sure when I'll be able to start running again.  

I'm going to the pool tomorrow - looking forward to it!  

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The News Today

Before looking to start my work day, I read the news - CNN or NPR or  It really depends on where my interests and thoughts are during my morning drive in to work.  Anyways, this morning I had running on my mind so I went over to LetsRun to see if anything happened (overnight) with the running community.  Well, I found this entertaining post - good timing since I just spent my first day in the pool this week. 

Luckily, I don't think I swim like a house cat, but I must admit I was very apprehensive getting into that pool.  I hadn't officially swam since college (outside of floating), so probably sometime in 2005. So, I knew that swimming and aqua jogging in a pool would feel foreign and awkward. AND IT DID.  I'm glad that Phill came with me, as it was clearly awkward for the both of us! 

Today, I will workout after work.  It's not clear what I will end up doing.  Probably some Pilates or sit-ups/push-ups in my house.  I may go over to the pool again Thursday.  Then, to the gym with Phill on Friday.  My upper body is getting attention!  Once I start running again (and shed the pounds of chocolate laced fat off my belly (I HAVE a problem)), I may have some nice looking arms and abs (finally)!  

Perhaps this injury happened for a reason (outside the obvious, real reasons).  I'll have the full body of a runnner this time...not just my legs....

Enjoy the day! 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Recovery Road

My last post was in 2008.  Since then, I maintained my running and worked up to consistently running 30 - 35 miles per week (some 40 - 45 miles thrown in there, until I realized I wasn't quite ready for that kind of mileage).  I even got brave enough to do some cross country and local races as tempo runs.  I was decided on running the 800/mile during 2013 - 2014 track seasons. Goals set, work outs steadily improving - I was excited and looking to surprise myself. October 2013, I got injured (my foot) and decided (around November 1) to take some time off from running. 

I started receiving treatment from Dr. Ho at Elite Chiropractic, thinking this was all I needed and that I would be back to running - at the very latest - by December. But, after several excruciating (both monetarily and physically) sessions with Dr. Ho's office, the pain wasn't really going away and I decided to get a referral out see a Specialist.  My gut told me something else was going on.  Short Story: I have a stress fracture in my fourth metatarsal and I've been wearing a boot since mid- December. 

I am approaching 11 weeks of injury.  Hopefully I only have 2 - 3 more weeks of non-weight bearing activity, so I can at least start walking and strengthening my bones to prepare my body for running again. 

Being injured for this long is frustrating.  In fact, I know I've been a bit depressed.  I am driving myself nuts over it.  

Running is such a pure activity.  It allows me to work out a lot of my stress from my day.  I am "positive D" when I'm running.  Starting to run again (I used to run in middle school, high school and college) gave me my life back, as it re-established old friendships and enabled me to set goals for myself again. Not being able to run from injury has squashed my drive and cut me off from much of my social network (I love the old guys I run with!).  

Anyways, with all of this said - I can't wait to be back. 

For the last couple weeks, I've dabbled in the gym - doing some Pilates, weights, abs and used the row machine (which only rocks my foot back and forth and has very little weight bearing activity to it).  

Yesterday, I went over to the community center to use their pool during their open swim.  My time spent in the pool consisted of 4 laps of kick board (forward/freestyle kicking), 2 laps of breast stroke, 2 laps of breast stroke kicking, and 6 laps of running in the water (no weight bearing and no belt). Each lap for running in the water started at 4 feet (I'm 5 foot 2 inches, so it works) and then went to the deep end.  It took me 60 - 75 seconds each lap.  I took 30 - 45 seconds break (it was HARD!). I was in the pool, doing work for 30 minutes.  

I have to say, running in the water was difficult and reminded me how fit I was in college.  I don't remember it very being that hard. 

My goal for this blog is to consistently document my training, in my own words.  Some of you - if this blog is ever viewed by a pair of eyes - may get the pleasure of finding out that I am a goofball...but first, I need to start writing...and  then we will see.