Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Weekend was too Fast

Wow - where did the time go this weekend?  I can't believe it is 10:08PM on Sunday.  Craziness. 

Saturday - Phill and I went down to the Farmer's Market right outside our front door to get some breakfast and some coffee.  We walked around a little bit and then we went back up stairs to start our day.  Our day began with getting Phill's car over to the shop.  We began our journey, but it quickly ended when we were both concerned the wheel would fall off the car.  So, we called a tow and waited about an hour for the tow truck to arrive.  After that, we had Phill's folks help us out and we are using their Family car.  

Next, we went to Road Runner's sports in Campbell for new running shoes.  I have to say, Road Runner's is handy, but their service for people wanting to get in and out of their store is terrible.  I need to start wearing a sign when I go in there, "No, I haven't been through your Shoe Dog experience and NO I don't want to.  Can you just pull a size 7 New Balance Zante from your shoe rack and let me be on my way?"  Phill and I were waiting to get my shoes for a good 15 minutes.  This isn't the first time this has happened, so I was getting a bit annoyed.  I observed the flow of the store and their team members, and I am thinking of sending some feedback to the Road Runners.  There is little room for customer's just to get in and get out, which isn't conducive for folks who already know what they want. Anyways, I am glad I have a second pair of shoes.  Now I will be able to give my older pair rest between uses. 

After Road Runners, Phill and I went back home for lunch.  Then, Phill did some studying and I did some work.  After that, he and I went to run around Saratoga - we ran WVJS's Douglas course.  It was enjoyable. 

We got back home, Phill continued with his studying and then I made dinner. 

Sunday - We easily slept in this morning, which was great.  Then, Phill made breakfast!  Yummy!  Then....CHORES...lots of them. Then Phill and I ran 4 miles around our neighborhood.  The rest of the evening was homework, work, and dinner...and a short episode of Parks and Recreation (I really love this show!).  It was a pretty good day, but it went too fast. I'd really like just one more day of relaxation before getting fully into the grind! 

Running plan/goals for next week: 

Monday: Day Off / Yoga
Tuesday: 2 - 3 miles, easy,  Core
Wednesday: 3 miles, easy - medium, Yoga
Thursday: 2 - 3 miles, easy, Yoga
Friday: 0 - 2 miles, easy, Yoga (I may opt to skip the run and just do Yoga, depending how I feel)
Saturday: 3 - 4 miles, easy - medium
Sunday: 4 -5 miles, easy, Yoga

If I can do most of the above, I think I can say I had a pretty balanced week. 

Enjoy your week, all! 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Veggie Breakfast Sausage, Peas, and Leftover Chili

Tonight I had veggie breakfast sausage (which is very yummy), peas, and left over chili from last night for dinner.  It was just one of those days where you don't have enough time to cook, so you have a little of everything.  I love peas - so on days where I am rushed or vacant of ideas my "go to" is peas and something else.  My rushed dinners often look like I have a three year old eating with me. 

Anyways, another very busy day today.  I had back to back meetings from 8:30AM - 4:45 today.  Totally nuts.  

Phill and I managed to do 20 minutes of Core (push ups, sit ups, planks, and this new upper body weight excercise Phill showed me).  This was all done to random "Club Music" streamed from "Slacker Radio".  The music made me feel a bit old and out dated because I heard no such music when I was going to clubs 6 - 8 years ago. Wow, now that I write this, time has really flown

We followed the 20 minutes of Core by 3 miles of easy running.  I kept my heartrate between 132 - 145, so I was running very easy. My legs felt very good and I felt relaxed.

Well, I'm off to eat a small bit of ice cream and fold some laundry. 


Monday, August 24, 2015

Power Yoga, Chili, Whiskey and a Phill saved my day

I had a long day today - worked from 7 - 6:45 and got home at aroud 7:30.  I began my evening at home by explaining my day to Phill.  In response to my first story, Phill promptly gave me a small serving of whiskey and a small slice of pumpkin loaf, as a mode to decompress before dinner.  I continued explaining the events of my day while slowly sipping my whiskey and eating my pumpkin loaf.  (Find it at:

(NOTE: I do not typically drink alcohol to decompress, but the occassional whiskey doesn't hurt!)

For dinner, we had Vegetarian Chilli.  It was very tasty (Thank you, Phill!).  We watched 20 minutes of Parks and Recreation before we proceeding with the rest of our night.  

Phill began - and still is as I type - studying for his new Semester of classes and I started up the Power Yoga video.  I haven't practiced the Power Yoga video in about a month, so it was a bit harder than last time...but I am very glad I chose this 30 minute video.  The Power Yoga video is challenging, relaxing, and such a wonderful stretch.  And since it is 30 minutes, I feel a bit better about skipping my run today.

I feel ready for my day tomorrow. 

Enjoy your Tuesday, all.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

My Weekend Workouts

As far as activity and running goes, this weekend went pretty well.  After Saturday's breakfast, Phill and I went for a short walk around the neighborhood.  Later that day, we drove up to Stanford University's campus to pick up something Phill had ordered via their bookstore.  Then we ran 4 miles around the Campus.  It was hot and I was getting a bit hungry by then, so the last mile of the run wasn't as fun as it could have been.  After our run, we walked around the campus a bit and then we went to have some dinner at Stein's Beer Garden in Mountain View.  After dinner, we went to their bookstore and just wandered around for a bit before going home.

Today, Phill and I did the Recovery Yoga video as soon as we woke up.  Then I went to the Campbell Farmer's Market with my Mom.  When I got home, Phill and I went for a 3 mile run around our neighborhood and then did the Pre-Run Yoga video after the run.  Today's run felt pretty good - I felt a lot less tired then Saturday's run.

In July, I set a goal of running the September Valle Vista with WVJS.  I plan on still running the Valle Vista with WVJS that weekend, but I will not be "racing" it.  I haven't been doing enough running to do that to myself. 

My next 10 days of workouts will be as follows:

Monday: 2 miles easy, Yoga/Core
Tuesday: 3 miles easy
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: 2 miles easy
Friday: 2 miles easy
Saturday: 3 miles easy
Sunday: 4 miles easy, Yoga
Monday: Off
Tuesday: 2 miles easy
Wednesday: 3 miles easy, Yoga

I am trying to keep things consistent but light until I fully settle into my new job.  The job is significantly more challenging than my last - which is great - so I want to make sure I am not overloading myself physically and emotionally. 

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Friday, August 21, 2015

End of the Work Week

Well, it's Friday!  What a busy week! 

Phantom of the Opera was a great show!  I first watched the show while I was in Vegas - which is hard to compare to - but the show in SF was excellent.  Phill enjoyed the show very much as well, which as great. 

Yesterday, Phill and I did 15 minutes of Yoga, ran 2 miles and walked .6 miles.  We were feeling pretty tired from the late night on Wendesday, so we kept the distance and mileage easy. 

Today, I am taking it easy and doing the Essentials Yoga video on Runners World and taking the day off from running.  

This weekend, I am debating on going to a WVJS workout tomorrow morning (and breakfast) or if I should sleep in. We will see.  Workout plan this weekend: 

Saturday: 3 - 4 miles
Sunday: 4 - 5 miles, Power Yoga

Short post for today - I hope to have a chance for more this weekend! 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Excercise and Travelling for Work

I haven't posted in a while.  Work, family and friends in town, and shopping for a car has put this blog on the low side of my priorities.  

My mileage is still very low, but I've kept it between 10 and 15 miles a week - so I'm at least doing something!  I also recenlty ran a 5 miler, and it felt really great. 

Last week was busy - I travelled to Dover, New Hampshire (stayed in Portsmouth) to do a site visit with one of our Vendors.  The trip was great and the meetings productive. We ate at Brazo for dinner, and the habenero scallops were really amazing!  The night before my co-worker and I ate at the Restaurant at the hotel.  I had Salmon, and it was very good.  With all this good eating, however, I don't think I ate enough over the course of 4 days! I will need to learn how to travel with snacks!

While work, travelling for work, and other life activities have kept me busy, I am managing to keep up my running and my Yoga.  I am not 100% happy with how much running I've been doing, but it will help me maintain what I gained in fitness and flexibility over the last few months.  

Last Tuesday - after I arriving at my hotel - I did 15 minutes of Yoga before going to sleep.  Wednesday had an early morning meeting, so I skipped my run but I did another 15 minutes of Yoga before heading out for my meeting.  After dinner and a few catch up emails for work, I decided to do the Recovery Yoga video before going to sleep. Thank goodness for those Yoga videos - it keeps exercise realistic and keeps me from getting injured!  

On Thursday morning, before the day of meetings and travel, I performed another 15 minutes of Yoga and ran 3.1 miles around Portsmouth.  I wanted to run by the water, but I couldn't find a good route.  Next time I will get out a map.  Overall, the run was great - and my pace was a bit too fast, but my legs felt good so I went with it.  Portsmouth looks a lot like Ireland - it was weird. When I get a chance, I will have to read about the town. 

I think the key to excercise and travelling for work is to have a quick Yoga or other excercise video readily available, know that you have at least 15 minutes of time to squeeze in a short video or a walk, and to stay focused on your overall goals of staying fit and healthy.  A few of my colleagues also went for a run on Thursday - next time I hope to be able to join them.  A few supportive friends or colleagues will also help you maintain your excercise routine when you are out of your element! 

My flight home was delayed to Friday, so I did not run on Friday due to travelling and exhaustion.  On Saturday, I ran 3 miles (it was sooooo HOT!) and also did a lot of walking.  Sunday, Phill and I went on a short 4 mile hike.  Monday, we did 10 minutes of core and 2.5 miles of running, and I accomplished 4 miles total, which included walking.  Today, we did 15 minutes of Yoga and ran 3 miles, and I accomplished 4.5 miles total including walking. 

Tomorrow Phill and I are going to see Phantom of the Opera in the City.  I am very excited. 

I hope to Blog more frequently - thanks for reading!