Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Excercise and Travelling for Work

I haven't posted in a while.  Work, family and friends in town, and shopping for a car has put this blog on the low side of my priorities.  

My mileage is still very low, but I've kept it between 10 and 15 miles a week - so I'm at least doing something!  I also recenlty ran a 5 miler, and it felt really great. 

Last week was busy - I travelled to Dover, New Hampshire (stayed in Portsmouth) to do a site visit with one of our Vendors.  The trip was great and the meetings productive. We ate at Brazo for dinner, and the habenero scallops were really amazing!  The night before my co-worker and I ate at the Restaurant at the hotel.  I had Salmon, and it was very good.  With all this good eating, however, I don't think I ate enough over the course of 4 days! I will need to learn how to travel with snacks!

While work, travelling for work, and other life activities have kept me busy, I am managing to keep up my running and my Yoga.  I am not 100% happy with how much running I've been doing, but it will help me maintain what I gained in fitness and flexibility over the last few months.  

Last Tuesday - after I arriving at my hotel - I did 15 minutes of Yoga before going to sleep.  Wednesday had an early morning meeting, so I skipped my run but I did another 15 minutes of Yoga before heading out for my meeting.  After dinner and a few catch up emails for work, I decided to do the Recovery Yoga video before going to sleep. Thank goodness for those Yoga videos - it keeps exercise realistic and keeps me from getting injured!  

On Thursday morning, before the day of meetings and travel, I performed another 15 minutes of Yoga and ran 3.1 miles around Portsmouth.  I wanted to run by the water, but I couldn't find a good route.  Next time I will get out a map.  Overall, the run was great - and my pace was a bit too fast, but my legs felt good so I went with it.  Portsmouth looks a lot like Ireland - it was weird. When I get a chance, I will have to read about the town. 

I think the key to excercise and travelling for work is to have a quick Yoga or other excercise video readily available, know that you have at least 15 minutes of time to squeeze in a short video or a walk, and to stay focused on your overall goals of staying fit and healthy.  A few of my colleagues also went for a run on Thursday - next time I hope to be able to join them.  A few supportive friends or colleagues will also help you maintain your excercise routine when you are out of your element! 

My flight home was delayed to Friday, so I did not run on Friday due to travelling and exhaustion.  On Saturday, I ran 3 miles (it was sooooo HOT!) and also did a lot of walking.  Sunday, Phill and I went on a short 4 mile hike.  Monday, we did 10 minutes of core and 2.5 miles of running, and I accomplished 4 miles total, which included walking.  Today, we did 15 minutes of Yoga and ran 3 miles, and I accomplished 4.5 miles total including walking. 

Tomorrow Phill and I are going to see Phantom of the Opera in the City.  I am very excited. 

I hope to Blog more frequently - thanks for reading! 

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