Monday, July 6, 2015


The last couple of runs were very easy, to recover from the two hard days on the track and the unscheduled progressive tempo run on Wednesday. I also did PowerYoga and Recovery Yoga on Thursday / Friday.  On Saturday, Phill and I ran 3 miles in Half Moon Bay.  We walked about 1 - 1.5 miles before and after.  Before we left home, we did a session of the Pre-Run Yoga.  Things felt good until later in the evening, when my whole body was overwhelmingly achy.  I also, stupidly, failed to put sunscreen on my legs so I am pretty burnt.  I took the day off yesterday to recover, and I may do the same today depending on how I feel after work today.  Tomorrow will be a good gauge to how I am feeling, so I will schedule my next 2 weeks of training then. 

Half Moon Bay was pretty fun.  Ben had a great time in the Water and around the Beach.  I took my family to "It's Italia", one of my favorites.  Ben had pancakes, which he enjoyed.  If you are ever in HMB, I definitely recommend visiting.  If you aren't a Brunch person and are there on the weekend, go in the evening (after 3) because you will get their full menu...which I enjoy better than the brunch menu. Though, the drinks are pretty good on the Brunch menu.  

That's it for now.  I hope to have more to talk about during my next post!

Thursday, July 2, 2015


Hi All - on Tuesday, Phill and I ran an easy 2 miles.  We were also going to get some Yoga in, but that didn't happen because we felt like watching Fern Gulley with Shauna and Ben.  I think it was an excellent alternative.
Yesterday, Phill's knee was bugging him so I ran alone.  Even with the Garmin, I run too fast.  I couldn't help it yesterday.  My first mile was 9:00, second mile was 8:20, and my third mile was 7:38.  So, I am calling yesterday a progressive tempo. My heart rate at the end of the last mile was arond 160, so I wasn't pushing it too far. I also did 20 minutes of Yoga.
Today, I plan a very slow 2 mile run and hopefully some "pre-run" Yoga.  Friday, I plan another easy run but incorporate the Power Yoga video into my day.  I have the day off, so I hope to get this as soon as I wake up tomorrow. 
I've identified my next goal - I am going to "race" WVJS Valle Vista course on 09/26/2015. Valle Vista is 3 miles.  The first mile is hilly, the second mile has a few hills, and the third mile is pretty much all down hill. I don't have a time goal yet, but I'm sure by the first week of September I will have one. 
There is another mile on the track on 08/01/2015, which I hope to race as well - but it's tentative right now due to having a Visitor that weekend.